My Child Won't Talk
So your child won’t talk about what is making them sad, making them angry, or causing them to act out. You’ve begged, pleaded,...
It is kind of interesting to think about and discuss cussing in therapy with teens or parents. There are some who don’t care, some who...
1st lesson in boundaries!
There are countless books written about setting boundaries in parenting. For every book there is a slightly different teaching and...
6 Pillars
Part of taking care of yourself as a parent, a spouse, or an individual is balancing out all areas of your life. Often when a parent...
The definition of insanity is: “doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.” How many tactics, rewards,...
My teen won't go to school!
If you are struggling right now with getting your child to school please know that you are not in any way alone and you have not failed...
Two Journies
Often parents shame or embarrassment of their child plays too large a role in the relationship that parent holds with their child. You...
Marriage before parenting
When your child is born you have to put them first and quite literally do everything for them. Your time, your energy, and your thoughts...
When things seem to get really bad!
Sometimes things seem to get so bad that it seems nothing will ever work. These times make it most difficult to rely on the healthy self...
What is a healthy boundary?
Setting healthy boundaries is crucial to a healthy parenting relationship. Too many parents think that boundaries are reward and...